TOP 5 SONGS influencing freedom in Egypt & Tunisia

#1 must be El Général 
1.Well , what can i say? This 21 years old  -middle class- Tunisian man  had a major role in the uprising even before it started ! His stunning rap is called Rais Lebled  " the president of the country" was recorded & released on youtube before any sign of street  revolution in Tunisia. 
On Dec. 24 at 5 a.m. the secret police burst into his parents' home in Sfax and hauled El Général to the National Security Bureau after that he was put in a solitary cell in the Presidential Security Service.
    four days later  he was released , and only by that time he did  realize "Rais Lebled" had become the anthem on the streets!
one of my favorites  lines from the song is :
"رئيس البلاد قولتلي احكي من غيرخوف , انا حكيت ،لكن عارف نهايتي كلها كفوف "

El Général is booked for his first concert, in Lyon, France, on March 16 and 17, and another in Marseilles later that month .Now he is  focusing on his career as a professional rapper .

the video up there is a mirrored  version with englsih sub .
to follow the artist , pls check his FB page :

TOP 5 SONGS influencing freedom in Egypt & Tunisia

#2 is an outstanding rap song with a very emotional lyrics

2. Several north Americans musicians joined forces to come up with a mesmerizing piece of art , the song is called "#jan25" inspired by the famous twitter trend that helped focusing on the legendary January 25  date when Egypt stood for its freedom .
The song features Freeway, The Narcicyst, Omar Offendum, HBO Def Poet Amir Sulaiman, Canadian R&B vocalist Ayah and produced by Sami Matar
  it starts with
 " I heard em say , The revolution wont be televised , Aljazeera proved em wrong, Twitter has him paralyzed"
needles to say more , please watch 

for full lyrics click here

TOP 5 SONGS influencing freedom in Egypt & Tunisia

#3 is what i call spontaneous music :) 
3.We stick with live music , this time its from tahrir square in egypt , Rami Isam -as presented in the start of the video- did a sensational job composing original protester`s chants and turned them into one excellent song.
 video is fun  & interesting to watch

TOP 5 SONGS influencing freedom in Egypt & Tunisia

here we go with # 4  , remember there is more in music than some might think

4. Nothing  is better than a live performance from the streets of the Tunisian revolution.
Amel Mathlouthi singing  Kelmti 7orra " my word is free "  live from the heart of  revolution.

-English subtitle  is available-

TOP 5 SONGS influencing freedom in Egypt & Tunisia

Egyptians signing in tahrir square
      Music can play a great influential role in our life ,the new underground music is a very important tool to fight aggression and spread freedom.
Here i will post my own top 5 songs  that played a great role in the Egyptian  & Tunisian revolution , pls keep in mind one thing is certain , music transcends all cultures.

5. We start in egypt with three young "rockers"  came together with a great idea for a youtube video.
the song is called Sout Al Horeya  " voice of the freedom "
Hany Adel , Amir Eid Hawary on guitars & Sherif Mostafa on keyboards . 
video by moustafa fahmy, mohamed khalifa and mohamed shaker

wait for number 4 ..

EGYPT is free , the uprising wins

on June 25th , 2011 young Egyptians stood together demanding freedom ,  marching  for 18 days beaten , tortured & killed  they never retreated .
proving that justice will reveal they stood their ground  gathering millions of people  from all walks of life  demanding one thing  " people want to shutdown the regime "
On February 11, 2011 their demands  became a reality . 
congratulation Egypt as you set an example to follow , kudos to all the freedom fighters in Egypt . specially those who died defending it .
 freedom wins

From his ashes we breath freedom

on December 17, 2010 mohammad bouazizi set himself on fire   donating  his own soul to the case of justice ,  bouazizi`s   unselfishness ,  purity, fearlessness and brave act  gave us something huge  something we thought we can never feel   he  gave us freedom! 

As this is my first blog - been thinking  about it for a while - i figured  the best way to start my journey is one simple and  shy  "thank you" to mohammad bouazizi  , may he r.i.p.

to know more click  here