Is it still raining stones? Will it ever stop?

credit to Hassan N Al Teibi

Dear fellow Jordanian,
Kindly try to answer the following unanswered questions as my mind is so fucking tired from thinking of answers.
What does being Jordanian means to you? Am asking this cause i don't believe that by putting our heads in the sand then everything well be good.
I don't believe that those who are raising flags over their cars, closing roads, cursing others and / or throwing stones are not Jordanians! However i fail to see their motives.
Is it a racial thing? OK then we need to fix it.
Is it fear? Hmm then we need to understand it and talk about it.
What in god`s name was your motive for being "un-reformist"?
Are you a Minority or the silent majority? Who the hell are you?
What do you want from Jordan?
Where do you see Jordan in the next ten years? 
Do you think we should be labeled a third world country?
Do you carry any kind of degree? 
Can you define modern, unity, human rights and freedom?
Do you think that Jordan is the property of king Abdullah’s? If so where do you put yourself in that context?
What do you think of your fellow Jordanians that come from different originality such as Syrian or Palestinian?
How much do you earn? 
What is your basic salary? 
Was it easy for you to find a job?.

please help me understand as maybe someday it will stop raining stones!

هناك 3 تعليقات:

  1. I have one asnwer for you... Poster by Hassan N Al Teibi :)(I'm sure cuz i copied it 1st he uploaded it to his facebook, great designer).

  2. hahaha , tell your friend that he is a great artist "fist up" for him

  3. am sorry i just saw your blog i did not meant for a duplication for the poster .. sorry mate :)
